Thursday, February 5, 2015

You are worth it

With this quote swirling in my mind, I get the courage to write my fist blog post. Its amazing how easily we can talk our selves out of doing something we want. The unknown is scary, I know, but you know what's even scarier? Going the rest of your lives wondering the what "ifs". We all have dreams and desires that somehow end up fading away; we simply forget about them. Maybe you haven't realized what it is that you want to do (and that’s okay too) However, I challenge you to find a dream and go after it, do something today that will get you closer to it tomorrow. You are worth having everything you ever imagined. The trick is, that you believe in yourself, know your worth, and realize how truly amazing you are. It can be hard to start but remember to take it step by step, you will eventually get there. Stay confident, have faith, and do it with love and joy. I am on a new journey my self and at times it gets very scary. There are moments when I wonder if I have what it takes to actually pursue it. Can I figure it out? What if I fail? Is it worth all the work I'm doing? All these questions come to me daily. I can easily fall into my own trap and stop, but I choose to ignore those voices and focus on the good. I HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!IT IS, WORTH IT! I WILL SUCCEED! Those are friendly voices that I listen to. Following my instincts has been a great way to get closer to my desires. Once I let go of fear, I found strengths that never knew were in me. When you let go, something amazing happens; confidence comes flowing in and you allow yourself to move forward. You will realize many things about yourself when you no longer let fear dictate you. If you allow negativity to hang around it will stay and control you. Start training your brain to see the good in all. You will be surprised of all the magic you encounter in your everyday lives. When you allow yourself to see the beauty of each day it's like you unlock a secret door. People are nicer, you notice birds singing, and everything runs a little smoother. Many don’t realize how powerful our minds are. We can achieve anything with the right mindset. Change your thoughts and you will began a shift in your life that is incredibly wonderful. Don't mind others perspectives of you and realize that the only voice that matters is your own. You are the only person that can get you to where you want to be. You are the BOSS of your life, therefore,make decisions based on your instincts. We all have a SPARK inside of us that is waiting to be seen by all. This is your world so go make magic come true to you. You will never know, until you try. What if you miss out on something amazing because you were to scared to start? With lots of love, Lety


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. These are some awesome and motivational words thank you for sharing best of luck on your beautiful Journey may God bless you always 😃

    3. Thank you lots, it really means a lot. thank you for your beautiful words.

  2. Beautiful and so very true! I have no doubt you will get to where you want to be. You are going to do amazing things! Enjoy this journey! And whatever you do don't give up on your dream. You have no idea how many times I've wanted to give up on Makeup and each time God shows me something, a sign and keeps bringing me back!!! You have a calling , purpose and talent and the works NEEDS IT!

    1. thank you so much for the support and encouraging words. It truly means a lot to me.

  3. Just the words I needed to hear today . Thank you Letty you truly are an amazing person 😘

    1. Thank you Judith it means a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  4. Hey mama, I loved it!!!! Thank you for being such an inspiration. I felt you were talking to me personally. You are such a blessing to have as a friend. Luv u always <3

    1. Thank you Jacky you're so sweet. I appreciate a lot. love you too
