Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Super Mom

How many roles do you take up daily while being a mom? If you think about it, we have over 50 roles to master daily. All from CEO of your house hold, to a chauffer, personal trainer, nurse, and chef (and many more roles to go down that list). Today, take the time to acknowledge all the hard work you do on your everyday lives. You are such a wonderful mommy, an incredible friend, daughter, and sister. Many times we take for granted all that we do as mothers. We don’t give ourselves enough credit for being Super MOM. Realize that you are a beautiful and awesome woman. Whether you're a working mom that hustles for your family, a volunteer at your children's school, or a stay at home mom; being a mother is always equally important to all of us. I know for sure that, you love your children deeply, and your number one role is to be the best mother possible. However, to be the best super mom, take care of yourself, love yourself and pamper yourself. I've met many mommies while becoming one myself. I've met young mommies, older mommies, grand mommies, working mommies, stay at home mommies, and step mommies. One thing has been consistent, all mommies need time for themselves, and although, the children are the main priority, caring for yourself should be up there in your priority list too. It doesn’t have to be expensive, a little can go a long way.
Here is a list of 10 things you can do in 15 minutes or less that will boost your energy and leave you feeling refreshed and cared for.

. Exercise ( it can be anything from going for a walk, run or jog. Maybe you enjoy to dance or lift weights.) the important thing is to keep your body moving.
. Read ( reading is so relaxing and it keeps your mind running and stimulated.) You can learn so much from a good read.
. Meditate ( meditation is very important for your overall health it gives you so much energy and peace of mind) it only takes 5 minutes.
. Bathe ( a warm bath is also a great way to pamper yourself and feel glamour's) hey, add a glass of your favorite wine and maybe a book. Enjoy and come out feeling like a new women.
. Makeup ( giving yourself time to put makeup on and beautify yourself is a great and easy way to feel glamourized )
. Fix your hair ( take time to fix your hair, blow dry it, curl it, straighten it or even cut it.) change your look from time to time.
. Jewelry ( it can be a necklace or ring, bracelet or earrings. I personally love, a nice watch. Jewelry can enhance any look and can give you that extra sparkle.)
. Shoes ( we all love shoes and having a cute pair for everyday can help you be super mom while looking amazing)
. Music ( listen to music, it somehow has a wonderful way to distract and motivate you.)
. Lingerie ( sometimes as women, all we need is to feel sexy, and what better way than to wear a beautiful peace of lingerie to bed) Girl, your hubby will benefit from it too.

You are a super mom; therefore, you deserve to feel incredible at all times. Be the women of your dreams. Love yourself and take care of yourself. You can do it all while feeling fabulous and looking your best. Make time to care and pamper yourself every now and then. Not only will you enjoy your day more, but everyone around you will sense it too. Whether you know it or not, you will always be super mom for your little ones. It only takes a few minutes out of your day to do something nice for yourself. So go on super mom, your kiddos are counting on you.
If you have any tips, go ahead, and let me know. I will love to hear your mommy tips too.

                                                          with love, Lety


  1. Man you are getting me addicted to your blog! I love reading it. It makes me want to go do all those things. I only do 3 out of 10, so bad. Thanks my dear friend.

  2. I agree ! Love it ���� every mom needs a little time for themselves! Love ur blogs ur doing such an amazing job & u r a wonderful mom .. ❤️

    1. thank you, Joanna I am glad you are enjoying it
