Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Love Love Love

                                                                  Bubble Of Love
There's a bubble, a bubble of love

This bubble likes to shine and be seen by all.

Can you feel the breeze? Hear the birds sing? Look! The trees dance to the magic of the wind.

I smile big because I know, that there's a bubble of love that only a few see.

Love is gentle and kind

Love is beauty and shine

Love is what you truly are made of.

Love is joy and fun

Love is pure and calm

Love is crazy but worth the ride.

I smile because I know of a bubble that many don’t see, although, is jumping high, they're still blind.

I smile because even if you don’t see, that bubble is truly there calling you home, and one day you will begin to witness.

You will shine and revel in the bubble of love that will remain consistent to your soul.

You will believe in glitter and fairies

You will dance and shower in earths blissful stories.

You will smile because you have found the meaning of life and even if others don’t yet see, you know that bubble is there, waiting to be seen by everyone that will allow it in.

I smile, because I too had forgotten, but like you, I found a bubble, a bubble of love indeed.
                                                                        XOXO Lety Merel


Friday, January 22, 2016

The adventures of loosing weight

  "And I said to my body, softly. ' I want to be your friend.' It took a long breath and replied, ' I have been waiting my whole life.' " - Nayyirah Waheed

Let's be honest, every new year we all set "goals" that never see the light of day, and a very common one is to shed those extra pounds that we piled on the prior year. In the beginning it's actually very motivating and exciting. But, It can be overwhelming when you suddenly realize "Oh shit, I have to actually go through with this for more than 2 weeks to see results." That’s when we usually stop and never get the job done. Later, you feel like a failure because you didn’t accomplish much. I know first hand since I've been down that road before. Although, I really do enjoy eating healthy, I love ice cream, tacos, and my occasional glass of wine more. I love to run and workout but I also love to relax and lounge with my hubby and kiddos while watching movies. I truly do enjoy a healthy life style and it's a very appealing thought to finally fit into those skinny jeans, nevertheless, I will not be discontinuing my treats because I enjoy them too. Now, the question isn't if I want to shed these extra pounds because you and I both know, that girl friend wants to fit into those jeans.

So, what to do next? I came up with three solutions that have been resonating with me perfectly. Maybe my tips can help and motivate you once again to start right here and now along side with me. I am just like you, beginning this journey too.


1. DO NOT set long term goals or "unrealistic" ones either (instead) set daily smaller goals.

What do I mean? You might ask. First, when you set daily goals it's most likely to follow through and if you slip you can always start again the next day. I've been doing this since the beginning of the new year, and I find myself grabbing the apple instead of the cookies  nine out of ten times. (pretty impressive for someone who loves sweets) Also, working out has become a daily thing. It varies on the daily basis since some days my goal is to do a one hour home workout and other times it's to go around my neighborhood for a thirty minute jog while pushing my toddler in his stroller. The best part is that by the end of the day, I'm very proud of my accomplishment.



The words we say to ourselves can either inspire us or crush us. The thoughts we swirl with on the daily are the words that we speak to ourselves. Remember that you are your very own best friend. Speak to yourself as if you were speaking to a baby with nourishing and loving words. I have always been pretty good at this, however, lately, I'm like "Girl, you got it going on" and I feel incredible most of the time. My self conversations have become my best yet, therefore, I have been able to keep on with my journey of tightening it up.



This goes alongside with thinking positive. Loving yourself is truly key to achieving anything. Especially when it comes to physically changing your body. It's easier said than done ( I know ) but remember that the only and main reason why you want to lose weight is because you think you will feel better after accomplishing this. Chances are that if you do not start with loving yourself first, you will end up finding other things that you're still unsatisfied with even though the extra pounds are gone. Especially when you're on the road to slimming down you must remember to love and embrace your body now just as it is. I can honestly tell you, that when you stop to think about how incredible your body is, a new appreciation is born. I love my body, not because "it's perfect" in society's eyes but because my body is amazing with all it's in perfections. I have two working legs that allow me to chase my kids. I have fingers that allow me to type this for you, arms that I use to hug my love ones, but most importantly,  an incredible working body that is full of energy to play with my family and workout whenever I want. My body is my temple and that is why, I choose to nourish and love it. I know, that loosing weight might allow me to fit into my skinny jeans but I cannot forget to love it now just as it is.


Lets all have fun with this and remember that life is supposed to be lived with adventure. Make it a daily priority to set a small goal, think positive, and above all love yourself first. I will give you all an update on my progress in two months. I also know that slow progress is better than no progress. I'm very excited that I wont worry about breaking any huge goals this year because I will be taking it day by day. I am learning as I go to follow my happy thoughts, somehow, they always know exactly where I should be. Let me know if any of these tips resonate with you or if you have any of your own tips to get that body fitting into those jeans. Again, this is what  works for me. I gladly share my tips with you because maybe they will work for you too.

                                                    XOXO, Lety







Saturday, January 16, 2016

A beautiful poem

  Hi my beautiful people, today I felt inspired to write a poem for you. I hope you enjoy and inspire you somehow.
                                               Life is a Journey, Indeed

They say life is a journey. You live and you learn, you wonder then later you know.

They say things happen to you, but I wonder; what will be, if instead, YOU happened to things.

They say reality is real and you must stay still. I say we were meant to dream, discover, and pretend that there's a magical wand to alter the things that make us feel weak.

They say we must learn to accept what is, I say, I can create a better life, you'll see.

They say prepare for the worst, yet I know that’s to foolish to do, be ready for the best and sparkle as you go.

 There's a new life awaiting to be realized oh how amazing and magical it all really is. There's a burning desire within all, and you get to live as the person you want to be.

They say you must live with fear, I say why not live a fearless life. Go out on a limb and enjoy the little things. Yes, life is a journey, but oh what a beautiful journey it is.  It's all within you to choose the route of your highest success. No one can control your thoughts and desires. Let them think what they want just continue to evolve and teach by your very own path.
                                                                                          BY: LETY MEREL
                               If you enjoyed this post, be sure you share and comment below :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Embracing change and having Faith

Hi there, I hope you are doing spectacular today.

 I have not been able to write for many reasons, but I can honestly say that, although, I have not been blogging for long, I missed it dearly.

 I have been in a shifting mode lately. There has been a couple of changes and adjustments that I had to learn to accept. However, I'm very excited for all that is to come, since change always means we are in a brand new chapter in life. Starting a new journey makes me happy because it only means that I am evolving.

At first, it appeared blurry and scary. It had me questioning many things , but that is where my faith came in. Faith in GOD, my higher source, the Universe; faith that all is well.

 Maybe you are dealing with a shift in your own life and you are finding it hard to accept. So, I come to you with words of encouragement. Life is full of surprises and blessings in disguised. When life brings you an unexpected or an unwanted situation, it is up to you, and you alone to see the good in it. Many times, its hard to deal with the new. But if you begin to see change, whether it be good or "bad", as a great thing you can accept it and enjoy the journey. If you find it hard to view the positive, picture this: You are entering a ride in a amusement park. In the beginning you might feel scared, nervous, worried, anxious, and excited all at the same time. You might want to skip that ride and not go through with it, however, when you know that you're safe and all is well you get the courage to go on. Once all is done and over with. You realize how much fun you had. Yes, it was a bit scary, but in the end, it was all worth the ride. That’s what life is, a big fun roller coaster. You have moments when you're soaring high, so high that you can touch the sky, nevertheless, we all have downhill moments; the times when it feels like you're going down so fast there is no possible way of stopping. But when you know, that this is just a ride, you have faith that it will go back up, and then you realize that it was all part of the fun.

Being able to see life as a safe place where you came to enjoy, will help you through those tough times. I am very happy to know this, and I realize that everything that I go through will help me reach my highest potential. I have big dreams and aspirations for myself, as I am sure you have for yourself too. Don’t waste your time here on earth by comparison, jealousy, anger, or any of the negative vibes. My wish for you is that you deal with the good and bad the same way. Smile and remember that life is beautiful no matter what is going on in your path right now. We have all heard it before: "The sun always comes out after a storm." Believe it and stay strong during those times. In the end, it all works out.  You're amazing, you can't forget that.  I am sending much love and joy your way. Don’t lose your SPARKLE and enjoy the ride. Embrace change and see it as a brand new page in the most exciting story ever. It truly is, because that story, is yours.  Let your faith be so strong there is no time to hesitate.

xoxo, Lety

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A letter to my children

A letter to my children:
 Be who you are not what others expect you to be. Love your life with all you are and don’t mind what others think. Smile, laugh,  go on adventures, live because you only get one life. Try new foods visit new places, do all that you ever dreamed of and don’t look back. Keep your head up high and SPARKLE with all you have. If you love something keep it and when you find a passion pursue it until you reach the top. Don’t give up on your first fall stand tall then go at it again. Always remember that you are a divine being and you can achieve anything your heart desires. Be positive and listen to your inner voice. If you ever feel lost it will re-direct you to the perfect place. I too will remain with you, if you ever need a helping hand mommy will always be here to help in anyway I can. But I hope you find your own way and allow endless positivity into your world. You are perfect in all your imperfections. See all the beauty our universe provides and remember that you are unique. You are love and god is within your soul. I love you with all I have but I hope you remember that the love you need is your own. At times, life might get blurry and its okay for it too, your job is to find the light not get stuck in the midst of a shaky road. The path you walk is your very own so don’t compare yours with any others. You were born with amazing talents use them wisely and make a positive impact in someone's life. My precious angel you will always be, but I know you were born with wings to sore high and learn as you go. I will do my best to live by example and guide you as I learn alongside with you. I know, you will make yourself proud because that’s what truly matters, don’t live to please me, live to please your soul. I love you dear and one day, if you decide to parent too, you will understand the love I feel for you.

With my heart filled with so much joy and love I dedicate this to my precious angels Brandon -Kaithlyn - Marcel
I love you to infinity and beyond, Mommy
Don't lose your SPARKLE

By sharing with you all, I hope it inspire you to write to your children and remind them of how incredible and loved they are.

 XOXO Lety

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The power of I AM

 The power of "I AM" how many of you have heard of this before?
 There is an incredible force behind those two words. No one else can speak them for you. You are the only one that can say I AM for yourself. What follows I AM, is what you are claiming to be. How do you represent yourself? What are your "I AM"s like? Many times, we say things like: I am dumb, I am lazy, I am broke, I am fat,  I am in need of something, I am not where I want to be, and so on. They are not helping you reach your highest potential. The words we speak, have a lot to do with the lives we live. Therefore, we should began to use our words wisely. Speak of yourself as you would like to be.

 Before I realized the impact those words had in my life, I was like most people, saying things without even realizing that they were affecting my reality. Being upset and speaking of all the wrong in my life was a daily thing. Complaining was normal, everyone around me seemed to do it. I thought it was the way to live. Then, something amazing happened, I began a positivity journey in the year of 2010. Through my journey, I have found god within and truly feel at peace with who I am. I have always been free spirit and enjoyed doing things my way. For me, it was a slow yet natural process. New people began to come into my life, and many "friends" left it also. The first sign of actual change that I noticed was my attitude. I was so much happier when I claimed "I AM HAPPY" those were and still are my favorite words. Once you begin to truly love yourself, take care of yourself, and speak great about yourself a shift starts. Things move for your convenience, and only those who are on the same frequency level as you, are near.

I feel truly blessed and find joy everywhere.  My children have also allowed me to see the world through glittering eyes and the magic in the simplest of things. I am glad that I followed my instincts and allowed myself to see the good in all. You too can start a change in your life as soon as tomorrow by just claiming the right "I AM"

I would love to challenge you. Start right now. Begin to say:














These are just some examples. You can say anything you want after your I AM. Remember that you have to believe it, and don’t mind others perspectives of you. You can change your life by just starting to change a few words. As long as you believe and have faith, things will always workout for you. Of course, like anything else in life it takes consistency and lots of faith that things will began to look like you have imagined. We all have different beliefs and points of view. This is just a simple way of being nicer to yourself and making a positive impact in your life. It really is amazing what two simple words can do. Don’t judge others or speak negatively towards anyone. Honestly, it says nothing about the person you are looking through negative eyes with and it says everything about your need to judge. Remember, that true beauty comes from within. You are a beautiful soul that has the power to do great things. Life is beautiful so go enjoy the beauty in it.
Xoxo,  Lety 





Friday, February 13, 2015

Everyday is a gift

                                                        keep your face to the sunshine
                                                            you cannot see a shadow ~
                                                                    Helen Keller

Hi there, I hope that you are doing marvelous today. The sun is shinning bright and trees are standing tall. We are breathing healthy air and a fresh hour awaits. Magic is always near, it's just waiting to be seen by you. I am feeling extremely joyous today. My children are healthy, my home is clean, and the weather here is AMAZING. Many things to be grateful for. I notice the simplest of things, like the moving leaves of a tree, the butterfly that flew right by, and the birds that sing outside the open window. Those things remind me that everyday is a true gift. I don’t take for granted anything that I know, is here for me.  My wish for you on this magical day, is that you encounter bliss. Be aware of everything; notice how the universe is such a beauty and how blessed we truly are to live in this wild, yet beautiful place. A little message to brighten your day, nothing big just a reminder that you too can see through glittering eyes. Be happy and share love. The weekend is here, and Valentines day too, go make great memories with those you love. Enjoy all the love and smiles; hug your children extra tight, and surprise your partner by doing something extremely nice. Remember your friends that are always there for you too. With that in mind, I thank mine. Thank you for the endless laughs, support, and the memories that will never die.

Furthermore, I thank you all so much for stopping by and giving me your time, but most importantly, for the love that you give.

Here is a music video of one of my favorite songs. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.